Our story

McElyea Homestead was established in 2011 but we didn’t start farming our land until Spring of 2019. My (Amy) husband and I, along with our 3 kids, run this farm. I grow all the things and Randy fixes all the things (when he isn’t working his other full time jobs as a firefighter & a fishing/hunting guide) & brings my visions to life. We started with 20 some chicks in March of 2019 and are now at about the same amount of chickens, a handful of ducks, 4 beautiful geese who we breed, a Livestock Guardian Dog, 5 goats who we milk and breed and 2 of the very best Jersey cows who will have calves in fall 2023. We will milk them for our family’s consumption and to make yogurt and various cheeses!

I homeschool our children, which is a job in itself but we wouldn’t have it any other way. Our kids get to experience first hand what it is like to care for and tend to our animals and gardens. There has been a ton of trial and error when it comes to what animals we want to keep on the farm and what flowers I want to grow for you, the customer.

Picked with care

Every single flower and filler that is in your bouquet has either been started from seed by me or planted as plugs from a trusted floral source. The seed growing process for flowers is a very meticulous process and a lot of time goes into getting them to the point of harvest.

Animal care is just the same. We make sure our animals have the best living situations so that they are healthy. A healthy goat will give the best milk and that milk goes right into our Goat Milk Products!